Women on Bikes Series: Michelle Swanson
Michelle Swanson has been riding her bike as much as she can
for over 25 years. She is a transportation planner for a small city in the
Pacific Northwest.
She rides between five to seven thousand miles a year, on
average. Michelle would really love to find the "All Powerful Bike
Lobby" someday.
When did you first
start riding a bike?
As a wee one. One of my earliest memories is learning to ride without training wheels, and I think I was about four. I remember my father teaching me in the garage, and the exhilaration I felt when I realized he’d let go of the seat and I was propelling myself.
As a wee one. One of my earliest memories is learning to ride without training wheels, and I think I was about four. I remember my father teaching me in the garage, and the exhilaration I felt when I realized he’d let go of the seat and I was propelling myself.
What motivated you to
ride as much as you have over the years?
To be honest, this is a painful question. I started riding as a teenager, because I hated my body and wanted to make it disappear. You can see from the photos that didn’t work. I still exist, and my body stubbornly refuses to disappear.
To be honest, this is a painful question. I started riding as a teenager, because I hated my body and wanted to make it disappear. You can see from the photos that didn’t work. I still exist, and my body stubbornly refuses to disappear.
Over the years, though, the weirdest thing happened: riding
my bike became the fulcrum that everything else in my life balances on. If I
don’t ride, I get depressed, I can’t sleep, I can’t focus, and my brain feels
fuzzy. Something happens deep after the
first hour of a ride, and the static in my head goes silent.
I ride, quite simply, because it makes me happy.
You commute
regularly. What inspired you to go by bike?
Oh, this one’s easy: I was broke, and I had no money to fix my crappy car. I was about 23, and I’d already been riding recreationally for several years. It was an easy transition to ditch the car and just ride everywhere.
Oh, this one’s easy: I was broke, and I had no money to fix my crappy car. I was about 23, and I’d already been riding recreationally for several years. It was an easy transition to ditch the car and just ride everywhere.
I should also mention, though, that I lived in Seattle, so
it was easy to make this choice. Everything I needed – job, grocery store,
coffee house, bar – was close by. I’d deliberately chosen to live in an urban
environment, because when I was 17 and living with my parents in the ‘burbs my
car broke down. I had no money to fix it, but I had to get to my job, which was
some 20 miles away.
So for several weeks I made the 40+ mile round trip bike ride
in a super dangerous, suburban environment while I saved up for the car repairs.
It was brutal.
I needed to keep the job so I could save up to move out of
my parents’ house when I was 18. I did, and I have never lived more than three
miles from where I work since. I’m terrified of being dependent on a piece of
machinery that can break at any time and leave me unable to meet my basic
needs. Never again.
What were some
challenges you faced when you first started commuting?
Clothes! Oh my god, the clothes! I worked in this rigid office that had a dress code several pages long – the women’s section was way longer than the men’s, of course – and the transition from riding my bike into those clothes was the worst.
Clothes! Oh my god, the clothes! I worked in this rigid office that had a dress code several pages long – the women’s section was way longer than the men’s, of course – and the transition from riding my bike into those clothes was the worst.
I didn’t want to wear my work clothes on the bike, because
in the summer I’d sweat and in the winter I’d get rained on. So I’d carefully
roll up my clothes (minimizes wrinkles), put them in a plastic bag, and then
put them in my backpack, along with my shoes and lunch. I also carried baby
wipes (armpits), an extra stick of antiperspirant, and I’d change in a bathroom
Oh man, it sucked. The bathroom was hot, half the time
someone would be pooping the next stall over, and my coworkers treated me like
a freak.
When the employer installed a shower and changing room to
get a tax break from the Commute Trip Reduction Act, they only allowed upper
management access to it. That place was awful, and I worked there for seven
years. On the other hand, it sure
motivated me to go to college.
Are there any current
challenges that you have to deal with?
Honestly, no. I have the sweetest deal now, because I’m a city transportation planner. Not only do I work at a place that has a shower, lockers, and a safe place to stow my bike without having to fiddle around with a lock, but people don’t treat me like a freak because I ride. In fact, I’m expected to ride.
Honestly, no. I have the sweetest deal now, because I’m a city transportation planner. Not only do I work at a place that has a shower, lockers, and a safe place to stow my bike without having to fiddle around with a lock, but people don’t treat me like a freak because I ride. In fact, I’m expected to ride.
I’m also salaried, so I can work a schedule that allows me
to go for a recreational ride most days before work. Best part: I get to ride
my bike to off-site meetings. That sends a powerful message to other agencies,
as well. It shows that my city is serious about the bicycle as transportation.
My workplace also has an “emergency ride home” program, so
if you walk, bike, or take the bus to work and something happens that requires
you to go home, you can use a fleet car to get home. A few months ago my husband had a medical
crisis, so I just hopped in a city car and ran home to help. It was a
tremendous relief.
I am very privileged, and I bring that awareness to my work
every day. I feel a deep responsibility to extend that privilege to everyone in
my city. They make it possible for me to have this sweet job, and I owe it to
Do you commute all
year/all weather? If so, what are some tips and suggestions that would be
helpful for others who are curious about it?
One of two must-haves for winter riding is fenders on both wheels. It’s worth taking the time and spending some money for fenders that are properly installed. They can be tricky.
One of two must-haves for winter riding is fenders on both wheels. It’s worth taking the time and spending some money for fenders that are properly installed. They can be tricky.
Lights are the other must-have. I like to have two tail
lights and headlights, because one of them will inevitably stop working at some
point. Cheap LEDs are easy to come by and totally worth it. I keep a stock of
new batteries on hand, so whenever the lights start looking dim I can freshen
them up right away.
It also takes a little longer to get places during the
winter, because you ride slower. Just plan on it.
What would be a good
way for someone to get started with commuting in their local area?
You know, I think commuting by bike seems complicated at first, but once you do it a few times and get your routine worked out, it stops feeling like an exotic deviation from the norm and just becomes part of the background noise in your life.
You know, I think commuting by bike seems complicated at first, but once you do it a few times and get your routine worked out, it stops feeling like an exotic deviation from the norm and just becomes part of the background noise in your life.
I do think it’s worth investing some time in learning good
routes to take to get to where you’re going. When learning to navigate a new
city or new destination, I always spend some time poring over a map – many
cities have bike maps for this purpose, and Google maps has a “bike” option –
to find lesser-known streets to travel on. The less interaction I have with cars,
the better.
And then if I’m unsure about how long it will take, I’ll
ride the route on a weekend and see how it goes. The first few times I ride
somewhere new, I usually leave way early, so I’m not stressed out.
Where else do you
like to ride?
At this point in my life, most of my riding is commuting or the morning trail ride, with occasionally detours to the farmers market. I do ride sometimes as part of my job (sweet!), but on the weekends I like to spend time with my daughter, who’s four. Securing the bike and trailer at our destination is always a crapshoot and a pain in the ass, so we usually take the bus. She loves the bus, and I love the leisurely walks with her to and from the bus stop.
At this point in my life, most of my riding is commuting or the morning trail ride, with occasionally detours to the farmers market. I do ride sometimes as part of my job (sweet!), but on the weekends I like to spend time with my daughter, who’s four. Securing the bike and trailer at our destination is always a crapshoot and a pain in the ass, so we usually take the bus. She loves the bus, and I love the leisurely walks with her to and from the bus stop.
When I was younger and single, I rode to the bar a lot. Heh.
And the grocery store, and the movie theater (what a quaint idea – does anyone
even go to the movies anymore?), and class, and Critical Mass and and and!
Have you ever had a
cycling accident or situation that was tough for you physically/emotionally/mentally?
If so, how did you heal or deal?
Yeah, I’ve had some crashes, especially when I was younger and rode more aggressively. For me, just riding is my way of healing and dealing with life’s difficulties, so my rule is to get back on the bike the next day, before I get too scared to do it again.
Yeah, I’ve had some crashes, especially when I was younger and rode more aggressively. For me, just riding is my way of healing and dealing with life’s difficulties, so my rule is to get back on the bike the next day, before I get too scared to do it again.
When I was 8 years old I had an epic crash that was pretty
traumatic. I didn’t ride a bike again until I was 11, which is a long time when
you’re a kid. I learned from that experience to not let fear get in the way of
doing something worthwhile.
What do you love
about riding your bike?
Oh man, I could go on and on.
Oh man, I could go on and on.
When I ride, I feel like I belong to my city, the planet,
the mountains, the water…I’m not separated from the outdoors like I am when I
drive. My husband will remark about the weather sometimes, and I’m just like,
“Yeah, so?” I always know what the weather report is, because I have to dress
for it every day. To him, it’s a bit of trivia. To me, it’s a central part of
my everyday life.
Every time I’ve moved to a new city I’ve developed a network
of friends and community much sooner than he has, because I’m out and about
every day, seeing other people walking and biking.
I also love that I’m not dependent on an expensive piece of
machinery to get my needs met. When stuff breaks on my bike, the repairs have
always been within my budget, or I’ve been able to do them myself.
Or maybe I’m just in it for the endorphin high.
Tell us about your
bike(s), what they are like and why did you choose them?
Oh, the bikes I’ve loved and lost…it’s like reciting a list of old boyfriends.
Oh, the bikes I’ve loved and lost…it’s like reciting a list of old boyfriends.
Right now I ride a bike that I won in a contest, if you can
believe it. It’s a mixte with an 8-speed internal hub and a chain guard, which
means no more worrying about getting my dress caught in the chain. I wondered
if I could deal with the hills on an 8 speed, but it’s got a nice range and
it’s a relief not to be shifting all the damn time.
I rode road bikes almost exclusively for 20 years, but the
hand and neck pain is losing its appeal. One of those bikes is a custom and
feels like an extension of my body. I still ride it in the summer when I want
to go long, hard, and deep into my mind, but it sucks for commuting. The mixte
has a built-in rack, so I can schlep all my crap around.
I have an off-the-shelf mountain bike that I mostly use when
towing my daughter, because the mixte won’t accommodate the trailer hitch. It’s
got disc brakes, which is helpful in our rainy climate.
What clothing/bike
accessories do you love? What would you recommend to your friends?
I only a little embarrassed to say that I got these so-called “body shapers” off Amazon a while back, and they are amazing for riding in a skirt! They’re indestructible! They don’t prevent me from breathing or moving, they’re just like lightweight bike shorts. Plus they keep me from wearing out my expensive wool tights. Yay!
I only a little embarrassed to say that I got these so-called “body shapers” off Amazon a while back, and they are amazing for riding in a skirt! They’re indestructible! They don’t prevent me from breathing or moving, they’re just like lightweight bike shorts. Plus they keep me from wearing out my expensive wool tights. Yay!
I also love my cheap-ass balaclava, which I wear under my
helmet when it’s raining or cold. I do wear a helmet when it’s raining, because
it keeps the rain from getting in my eyes. Helmets are a touchy subject, so I gently
suggest that each person make her own choice.
What do you feel
deters women from being more involved with cycling?
Shitty infrastructure is the main reason, but the other is a little tougher to get at: many of us live in places where the distance between work, home, school, daycare, and all the other places we need to go are really far apart. As we age into our childrearing years, women do more trips to the grocery store and hauling kids around. It’s pretty hard to ride with your kid and a pile of groceries on a busy street with a paint stripe between you and a driver fiddling with a cell phone at 40 mph.
Shitty infrastructure is the main reason, but the other is a little tougher to get at: many of us live in places where the distance between work, home, school, daycare, and all the other places we need to go are really far apart. As we age into our childrearing years, women do more trips to the grocery store and hauling kids around. It’s pretty hard to ride with your kid and a pile of groceries on a busy street with a paint stripe between you and a driver fiddling with a cell phone at 40 mph.
What do you feel
would encourage more women to ride?
Better infrastructure and more dense cities with a mix of uses in each area. I guess I’m a pretty orthodox urban planner.
Better infrastructure and more dense cities with a mix of uses in each area. I guess I’m a pretty orthodox urban planner.
Why do you feel
commuting by bike is valuable?
Probably for all the reasons I’ve listed above: it keeps me sane, it helps me feel like part of my community, it’s cheap, it keeps me healthy, and it’s just so much fun.
Probably for all the reasons I’ve listed above: it keeps me sane, it helps me feel like part of my community, it’s cheap, it keeps me healthy, and it’s just so much fun.
Tell us a random fact
about yourself!
No lie: while I was writing this, my daughter asked me to take a break and help her ride her bike in the garage. She’s had a balance bike since she was 18 months old, but she’s been reluctant to try out her pedal bike.
She just figured it out, and I had that moment when you let go of the seat and watch her take off. I totally cried.
No lie: while I was writing this, my daughter asked me to take a break and help her ride her bike in the garage. She’s had a balance bike since she was 18 months old, but she’s been reluctant to try out her pedal bike.
She just figured it out, and I had that moment when you let go of the seat and watch her take off. I totally cried.
She’s the same age I was when my father did the same thing
in his garage. The wheels keep turning, I guess.
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